Market Dates for late 2024

After a short mid-year break from markets to focus on making some new work, we are back! The line up for the rest of the year looks like this:

14th September, Artisans in the Park, Foley Park Glebe 10-4

21st and 22nd September, Handmade Canberra, EPIC Lyneham ACT 10-4

13th October, Hazelhurst Made By Hand Art and Design Market, Hazelhurst Art Centre Gymea 10-3

19th and 20th October, Sydney Ceramics Market, Carriageworks Eveleigh, 10-4

26th and 27th October, Makers and Shakers Market, Overseas Passenger Terminal Rozelle, 10-4

2nd November, Olive Tree Market, Civic Park Newcastle, 9-2

2nd and 3rd November, Inner West Open Studio Trail, LouiseM studio Marrickville, 10-4

9th and 10th November, Arcadian Artists Trail, Rebekah Jackson Art Studio Galston, 10-4

23rd November, Sydney Made Art and Design Market, Sydney Town Hall 10-4

30th November and 1st December, Craft NSW Craft Market, Tramsheds Glebe, 10-4

7th December, Olive Tree Market, Civic Park Newcastle, 9-2

We’ll be adding more dates as things get closer, but hopefully you can find us at a market near you and pick up some beautiful wares for the gifting season!

Christmas 2023

Well, the Christmas season is upon us again. It feels too early, as it always does, but as we are just about to tip over into November I thought this was a good time to announce our upcoming Christmas markets for 2023.

First is the Olive Tree Market in Newcastle. One of our favourites, we have been trading at this market since 2015. We will be attending all 4 of their Christmas market dates, which are 4th and 18th November, and the 2nd and 16th of December. The Olive Tree Market is located at Civic Park, Newcastle, and the market days run from 9-2.

In the second weekend of November, the 11th and 12th, I will be at the Arthouse Pavilion at 25 Muraban Road Dural as a part of the Arcadian Artisans Trail. This is a wonderful artists trail run by locals, and showcasing local work, alongside the work of visiting artists and artisans who are hosted by the venues on the trail. It’s a great excuse to get to know this pocket of Sydney better if you’ve never really been there before. The trail will be open 9-5 on both days.

On the 25th of November we have the Sydney Made Art and Design Market which will be held at Sydney Town Hall from 10-5. This is one of the few markets we’ll be doing in Sydney this Christmas season, and getting access to the market couldn’t be easier with it’s fabulously central location. Entry is a gold-coin donation as the market is run entirely by volunteers and all the money goes back into running and servicing that community.

The 3rd of December is a double market day for us. We will be running one stall at the Coal Loader Artisan Market (a twilight market) 3-9 in Waverton, and another in Coogee at the Best Gift Market (times TBC) which is held on the park just behind Coogee Beach.

And lastly, one of the big ones, we are very glad to say that we will be coming down to Canberra for the Handmade Canberra market which will be held 8-10 of December, with the 8th being an evening only event, and the 9th and 10th being 10-4. We are anticipating that this will be a really big event being a part of the market with 150 other makers. We’re always so warmly received when we do make it down for a Handmade Canberra date, so we’re really looking forward to this.

So, if you’re looking for a little piece of ceramic joy for yourself or for a loved one this Christmas season, please come visit our stall on one of these dates. But if you’re not able to make any you’re always welcome to book in a time to visit the studio, or to shop on our online store. We’ve had some extra time on our hands this year to work on some new designs and are really looking forward to seeing how everything is received. Happy Christmas season everyone!

Back to Work

After a massive 12 weeks away I will on October 11 finally be able to get back in to the studio! Cue the celebrations! Of course this also means that I will have a lot to get done in the lead up to Christmas with lots of markets planned on top of pre-lockdown orders to fulfil. Add to all of this that Australia Post is probably running on fumes at this point…If there’s anything you want in time for Christmas, my recommendation would be to order sooner rather than later, and to pick up in person if possible. In the meantime, if you need me, I’ll probably be in the studio…